2021/22 Archive

Term 5 Memorable experiences

Over the last two weeks, we have been taking part in Memorable Experiences to immerse us into our new topics for the Summer term.

Year R – Animal Safari

In EYFS, all went on an animal hunt in our own jungle. We discussed the different features of the animals and categorised them into their animal groups.


Year 1 – Forest Expedition

We started the session by using our senses to observe the forest. Next, the children named the parts of a tree. We went on to think about the forest and how it is levelled into canopy, shrub and ground layers.  We thought about how long trees live for, children were shown to the oak tree, we discussed its benefits to the forest. Finally, children made an observational picture of a tree using the natural materials of charcoal, mud and grass.

Year 2 – Planting Adventure

Year 2 got busy with their senses and explored plants and flowers in lots of different ways! We started by exploring and handling real flowers. We spent time looking closely, sketching, and using water colours to paint our flower sketches. 

Our exploring did not stop there! We went on a nature walk around our school grounds, searching for wildflowers and plants whilst collecting flower and plant colours. After naming a variety of plants and flowers, we explored herbs and spent time guessing the names of herbs from smell, touch and feel. We discussed which dishes they be used in when cooking.

Lastly, we planted cress seeds and seeds and bulbs to grow a ‘pizza’ garden. We planted a collection of different herbs, tomatoes, and peppers. We discussed what the seeds and bulbs need to grow. We are looking forward to seeing our seeds grow into mature plants.

Year 3 – Archaeological Dig

Year 3 have started to investigate how we find out about the past and performed their own archaeological dig. They went to the meadow and used shovels and their hands to carefully dig for forgotten treasures. They then discussed the items they had found to make suggestions of their use many years ago. They also made comparisons to identify how our lives have changed over the last 3000 years.

Year 4 – Solid, Liquid or Gas? 

In year 4, we have begun our topic by thinking about the particles that make up solids, liquids and gases. We then went outside and experimented with what it would feel like a particle in each state and how we could or could not move about whilst in this formation.

Year 5 –  Orienteering Activity

For Year 5’s Memorable experience this term, they completed an orienteering activity where they had to navigate around the school to find out information about different civilisations from the past. Following this, the children then had to use this information to create timeline cards and then place them in chronological order on a timeline.

Year 6 – Heart Dissection

Year 6 have launched head-first or should we say heart-first into our new topic: Blood Heart!

We have been lucky enough to observe, sketch, and dissect lamb’s hearts, identifying the key parts of a heart, including veins, arteries, and capillaries. We also used coloured water to determine how blood flows through the different compartments. Moving on, we will be exploring how out heart performs before, during and after exercise as well as finding out about key developments in heart technology.