Statutory Information

Provision of Remote Education

Provision of Remote Education

(in accordance with The Coronavirus Act 2020)

Remote education will be activated when there is a national or local lockdown because of government guidance or a bubble closure. If an individual or small number of pupils need to self-isolate they will be guided towards The Oak Academy to continue their learning.

Ensuring access to remote provision

A small number of parents have been identified via a parent survey who have difficulty accessing remote learning for their children. The school will provide suitable resources in discussion with the parents. Lessons may be recorded, so they can be viewed by pupils when access to devices is limited or shared.

Replicating the classroom remotely

The school will provide continuity of the curriculum by providing the following core offer (using professional judgement):

Daily Deliberate Practice Daily Lessons Weekly Lessons
. Multiplications

· Number bonds

· Spelling rules/ Phonics

· Handwriting

· Reading

· Story time

 · Mathematics

· English

· Topic lesson

(including art, history, geography, science, computing, DT)


RE(once a week)

 · PE x2

· Worship x3


· Music


Interactive platforms

Google Classroom will be our primary platform to deliver remote learning.

Linking platforms to applications

Google Classroom will be enhanced by the use of the following applications:

  • YouTube
  • Kahoot
  • Microsoft Sway
  • Google Forms
  • Google Docs/Slides
  • Zoom

Maintaining aspects of school life online

In order to maintain continuity we will endeavour to: continue worship online; take a daily register; maintain frequent teacher/pupil contact through questioning and feedback; teachers will be available on Google Meet from 9am -3pm each day; facilitate peer social communication, e.g. via a Zoom meeting. A daily timetable will be posted each morning. All pupils will be offered a home learning resource pack to include items such as an exercise book and pencil.

Continuing the planned curriculum

Teachers will continue to deliver the planned school curriculum for their year group, ensuring support and challenge is provided. Exceptions may have to be made due to resourcing implications.

Technology training

Teachers have received relevant training in delivering remote learning. The Trust IT department will provide support and troubleshooting with technical difficulties when needed. All children have been supported in accessing the chosen online platform but if they encounter future difficulties, they can contact the class teacher via Seesaw or email.


Parents, children and staff will continue to use Seesaw as a form of communication between school and home as this is already established and effective. Other forms of communication will include phone calls, emails and home visits where necessary.

A lack of devices

If parents are not able to effectively support remote education, they will need to have a discussion with the school. Affected pupils may be supported to come into school to use school resources within any rules in force at the time or loaned a school device. Other Government schemes may offer further solutions but are subject to the current offer.

Keeping pupils motivated and engaged

Teachers will use a variety of familiar applications to keep pupils engaged. Teachers will log participation and motivation level and feed back to parents. We will contact pupils or parents by telephone or Seesaw to explore ways to secure re-engagement.

Assessing pupils’ progress

Teachers will use quizzes or tests on core content as a regular feature, asking pupils to complete these in a specified time and then send back. Using the features of a multi-functional platform, teachers can create regular, pre and post-lesson quizzes, through the use of Kahoot and Google Forms.

Supporting pupils with SEND

Teachers will differentiate appropriately for pupils with SEND. The support of adults in the home will be a significant advantage where this is possible.

January 2021 – Government expectations

When teaching pupils remotely, the Government expect schools to:

·         set assignments so that pupils have meaningful and ambitious work each day in a number of different subjects

·         set work that is of equivalent length to the core teaching pupils would receive in school, and as a minimum:

·         primary: 3 hours a day, on average, across the school cohort

·         provide frequent, clear explanations of new content, delivered by a teacher or through high-quality curriculum resources or videos

·         have systems for checking, at least weekly, whether pupils are engaging with their work, and inform parents immediately where engagement is a concern

·         gauge how well pupils are progressing through the curriculum using questions and other suitable tasks, and provide feedback, at least weekly, using digitally facilitated or whole-class feedback where appropriate

·         enable teachers to adjust the pace or difficulty of what is being taught in response to questions or assessments, including, where necessary, revising material or simplifying explanations to ensure pupils’ understanding


January 2021