2021/22 Archive

Healthy Living Week

The last week of Term 5 was Healthy Living Week at St Botolph’s. Throughout the week we learnt how to keep our bodies and minds healthy. Each day had a theme to guide our learning:

Monday – Drink Plenty 

With our bodies being 80% water, we have learnt that water is vital for our health. It is important to drink plenty throughout the day to keep bodies working as efficiently as possible.

Year 4 created their own fruit water combinations and designed the packaging for them.


Year 6 made videos to advertise their water products.



Tuesday – Healthy Breakfast 

Thanks to Magic Breakfast and Lidl we all enjoyed a healthy breakfast of cereals, bagels and fresh fruit. We recognise that it is important to start the day with a healthy breakfast to help fuel our brains for the day ahead.

Wednesday – Day of Sports 

Today we had the opportunity to learn lots of new sporting skills. Year R, 1, 2 and 3 took part in dodgeball, tennis, karate and dance, whilst Year 4, 5 & 6 played rounders, climbed the climbing wall, took part in OAA (outside adventurous activities) and also tried archery.

Thursday – 5 a Day 

Our theme today was the importance if eating 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day as part of a balanced diet.

Pupils have been challenged to create a fruit face or animal design using fruit and then they had the opportunity to share the fruit together to boost their 5 a day!