Year 4 Classes

Juniper Class

Class Teacher: Miss H Todd

Oak Class

Class Teacher: Mr C Govey and Mrs G Horsler

Welcome to our Year 4 Classes

Welcome to Year 4!

In year 4, children are encouraged to develop their independence in preparation for Year 5, taking ownership of their learning and further developing their growth mindset. Children build upon prior learning through retrieval tasks to make links and deepen their understanding – making connections between new and prior learning. In year 4, we cover a range of topics such as The Romans, Scientists and Inventors, Animation and Sound. Whilst undertaking these topics, children become musicians, animators, historians, designers, mathematicians and authors; they develop a love for learning across all subjects!

This year’s learning will be based on the topics in our ‘Curriculum Overview’.

Lastly, we ensure that the national curriculum for the primary curriculum in England for programmes of study and attainment targets for KS2 is followed.

We look forward to welcoming you into our Year 4 Classes!

Year 4 Curriculum Overview

Terms/Topic Information

This year’s learning will be based on the topics below and will change accordingly each term. Parents can view a ‘Curriculum Overview’ at the start of each term, informing them about what the children will be learning, along with a parent information letter and world mat. This will also be available for download below.

More Information about the subjects can be found on our curriculum pages.

TermTopicWord MatRE Knowledge Organiser
1InvestigationTerm 1 Word Mats (Science, geography and computing)Term 1 RE Knowledge Organiser
2SignificanceTerm 2 Word Mats (History and DT)Term 2 RE Knowledge Organiser
3ComparisonTerm 3 Word Mats (Science, geography and computing)
4ChangeTerm 4 Word Mats (Science, history and DT)
5NatureTerm 5 Word Mats (Geography, DT, computing and RE)
6HumankindTerm 6 Word Mat (Science, history and art)

Home Learning

Homework tasks are set on Spelling Shed and Doodle Maths relating to the topics taught in class. Children are asked to complete 3 games on Spelling Shed a week, be in the green zone on Doodle Maths by the end of the week and practising their time’s timetables on Times Table Rockstars regularly since this is a useful tool when approaching the MTC timestable checks!

Children are also asked to read regularly at home, reading both their Accelerated Reader books and books outside of this to enhance their love for reading.

Big Ideas

At our school, we are committed to fostering a deep understanding of six concepts: Investigation, Significance, Comparison, Change, Nature, and Humankind. Each term, we focus on one of these Big Ideas, integrating it into our curriculum to support students’ learning journeys throughout their education and beyond.

Our homework projects are designed to reinforce these Big Ideas, creating a cohesive and collaborative learning experience for our entire school community. These projects are open-ended, allowing children to take the lead and present their work in creative and unique ways. We encourage students to explore their own ideas and approaches, celebrating their individuality and innovation.

The projects culminate in opportunities for students to share their work during parents’ evenings, open afternoons, or within their classrooms. This not only showcases their learning but also strengthens our community as we come together to celebrate the diverse and thoughtful contributions of our students.

Useful Parent Resources in Year 4

For further useful resources, please visit each curriculum page.