Modern Foreign Language Subject Leader: Mrs R Gibbens
For any more information on St Botolph’s MFL Curriculum, please contact the office.
Our aim is to develop the confidence and competence of each child in our chosen modern foreign language of French. Pupils will be curious and passionate about their learning, and value using a foreign language by learning about French-speaking countries and their cultures. We will challenge children by drawing comparisons with our own language and history, whilst building cross-curricular connections with other subjects.
We provide a relevant, broad, and ambitious language curriculum using a wide variety of topics and themes from Year 1 through to Year 6. This provides a strong foundation for further language learning as the children progress through their school journey.
At St Botolph’s, French is taught throughout the school. From an early stage, children develop communication skills in listening and speaking, reading and writing including learning about gendered, singular and plural nouns. Spelling patterns, sound recognition and pronunciation are continually developed alongside the knowledge of grammar and vocabulary.
Pupils in Year R and 1 will be exposed to the French language through short activities, whilst all pupils in Year 2 to Year 4 will have access to a high-quality formal foreign language curriculum. This will progressively develop their skills in foreign languages through well-planned, weekly lessons taught by the class teacher. In Years 5 and 6, pupils are taught by a language specialist to further develop the solid foundation gained previously.
Pupils enjoy French lessons and show great enthusiasm in learning the language and learning about French culture. Our children show pride in their additional language and are confident language users. Learning another language gives the children a new perspective on the world, encouraging them to understand their own cultures and languages along with the culture and languages of others.
By the time they leave St Botolph’s, pupils have developed the necessary transferable skills for language learning at KS3. They have a curiosity and desire to experience other countries and communities, realising that in a multi-lingual society, it is an extremely valuable and much sought-after skill to be able to speak a different language.
Modern Foreign Language in Each Stage
Our MFL curriculum ensures that all children develop key language learning skills set out by the National Curriculum.
Throughout EYFS and KS1, children will be exposed to language learning in the following ways: songs and rhymes, dual language books and greetings (linked to our language of the term) Exposure to a range of languages at this early stage will lay the foundations and instil curiosity and enthusiasm for further language learning in KS2.
All KS2 children have weekly, discrete language lessons in French delivered by teachers. French lessons cover all aspects -speaking, listening, reading, writing and cultural understanding, and progressing these skills and knowledge throughout Key Stage 2. Activities may consist of actions, rhymes, stories, song, drama, grammar focus, video clips, sentence structure, dictionary work, to extend, embed and combine language skills, with a focus on correct pronunciation.
Evidence of lessons taught are captured in children’s French folders (photos, drawings, sentences, captions). These folders move with children from Year 3 to Year 6 so that previous learning is accessible to all. Children will continuously build on their previous knowledge as they progress in their foreign language learning journey through Stone.
Modern Foreign Language Progression
An action plan has been created by the subject lead to monitor targets we wish to implement across the school. The subject leader will also liaise with all staff across year groups to discuss strengths and any emerging needs. The Subject Leader monitors the effectiveness of the language teaching provided throughout the year through learning walks, planning scrutinies and pupil voice. The class teacher monitors the learning and progression made by children during the year.
SEND Information
At St Botolph’s CofE school, we aim for all children including those with special educational needs and those from disadvantaged backgrounds to flourish. Through quality first teaching, use of Kagan strategies and a variety of assessment tools, we ensure that our children with SEND can learn and progress without barriers. Lessons are adapted where appropriate to provide the appropriate level of support and challenge.
Opportunities to celebrate other languages
Opportunities to celebrate other languages include:
- Language of the term which is chosen based on our Country of the term. This provides an opportunity for children to learn basic greetings from different countries around the world.
- European Day of Languages.
- Learning verses to hymns in different languages.
- World Maps displayed highlighting where children and staff are from and what languages spoken by the children in each classroom.
Modern Foreign Language Extra Resources
Further French Help