
Uniform items embroidered with the school logo are available to purchase online from Brigade Clothing Online Shop

Please note School logo items are optional.

Uniforms without the school logo and PE kits can be brought from local supermarkets to help minimise costs. The school logo is optional. The school colours are bottle green, yellow, grey, black and white. All pupils are required to wear school uniforms. No designer emblems are permitted on tops. All items of uniform and PE clothing should be clearly and individually named.

Children are expected to come to school clean and tidy. No make-up, false nails or nail varnish should be worn. Any child with long hair must have their hair tied back for school. Only plain hair bands or clips should be worn. Extreme hairstyles i.e. shaved emblems, and Mohican/styles with severe variations in length are not permitted.

Everyday Uniform

Summer UniformWinter Uniform
• Red jumper or cardigan or sweatshirt (with or without logo)
• White-collared blouse or shirt or polo shirt
• Grey Shorts or skirt or pinafore
• Red and white gingham checked dress
• White, red or grey socks
• Flat black sensible school shoes
• Sun/Baseball Hat
• Red jumper or cardigan or sweatshirt (with or without logo)
• White-collared blouse or shirt or polo shirt
• Grey trousers or skirt or pinafore
• Red and white gingham checked dress
• White, red or grey socks
• White, red or grey tights
• Flat black sensible school shoes
st botolphs uniform graphic

Outdoor Learning Clothes

PE Kit
• Red, green, yellow or blue T-Shirt (linked to your child's community colour)
• Black shorts
• Dark, plain jogging bottoms/leggings
• White socks
• Black plimsoles
• Trainers (for outdoor PE)
• Drawstring bag

T-Shirts are available in house colours from Amazon as cheaper alternatives.

Extra Information

Coats – The colour of the coat is a parental choice but it should be warm and waterproof during the winter months. 

Jewellery – No jewellery should be worn to school, except stud earrings. Stud earrings will need to be removed for PE lessons and we would recommend that children’s ears are pierced during the summer holiday period. If studs cannot be taken out, in the first six weeks after piercing they should be taped using Micropore tape. The tape will need to be provided by parents and kept in your child’s PE bag. After the six weeks period has passed, we would ask that earrings are removed on PE days. Staff are not permitted to remove or replace earrings.

Children are permitted to wear Medic-Alert bracelets.

From year three children may wear a watch to school.

Water Bottles – All children should bring a bottle of water to school each day to ensure they remain hydrated. Please ensure these are named. Water bottles can be refilled throughout the day if necessary.

Hot Weather – Please apply sun cream to your child before they come to school.

To view our uniform policy, please view our policies page.