Year 6 Dynamos Cricket

year 6 dynamos cricket at st botolphs primary school

Year 6 Dynamos Cricket

n Thursday, a group of Year 6 pupils attended a Dynamos Schools Games event hosted in collaboration with Gravesend Cricket Club and linked to Windrush 76 project celebrations created by North Kent Caribbean Network.

Building on the success of Kwik Cricket, Dynamos Schools has been designed to deliver an exciting new brand of competition connecting to the elite via The Hundred.

Dynamos Schools introduces children to the countdown cricket format and provides a consistent experience across schools and clubs.

The children, led by Mrs Chenu (St George’s PE teacher who teaches PE at St Botolph’s too), along with Mr Stanton, had a great time, experiencing competitive cricket games and meeting other Year 6 pupils at the same time. They all represented our school impeccably.

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