2022/23 Archive


Sikh festival of Vaisakhi 

Vaisakhi is a spring festival that was held on the 14th of April this year. It is a day to celebrate 1699 – the year when Sikhism was born as a collective faith.

Since the 14th April fell during our Easter holiday break, we celebrated Vaisakhi when we returned on Thursday 23rd April. Mrs Atwal led us is a special worship where we heard a Vaisahki story of devotion.

To celebrate Vaisakhi, Sikhs visit places of worship (called Gudwaras) that are especially decorated for the occasion. Many people enjoy parades and special processions through the streets called nagar kirtans. ‘Nagar’ means town and ‘kirtan’ means the singing of hymns from the Guru Granth Sahib, which is the Sikh holy book.